May’s Monthly review and a little sneaky life

This weeks blog post was suppose to be a monthly review like I upload every month but I’ve really contemplated uploading one this month for several reasons really. I just feel like at the moment with being in lockdown and everything nothing is really happening like it was planned. This month I should of been going on holiday but that has gone out if the window and other things etc.

I sort of wanted to write a monthly review as I feel like they keep me on track and it’s good to reflect on what has happened within in the month. I also wanted to give you a little life update shall we call it so I’ve decided to do a bit of a mix of a blog post and combine them both up.

Let’s start with the life update …

There is a lot going on behind the scenes that My blog and other social media’s don’t necessarily see and I guess it’s been distracting me from doing the thing that I love. I was going to blame it all on the lockdown but I’m not sure if it is to be honest I just think that everything has been piling up for a while and now suddenly it’s like there’s been an explosion that’s the only way I can think of explaining it.

If you’ve been on this journey with me for a while now you will know that I’ve been struggling with stomach problems and they don’t seem to be getting any better so that is really getting me down. The thing is when you are feeling pretty rubbish all of the time it really does have a negative impact on your mental and physical health.

Remember last August I started to have driving lessons that is another thing that has been blown out of the window due to the Coronavirus pandemic. I think I had my last driving lesson in mid March so it’s nearly two months I haven’t had a driving lesson for. I feel like I’m going to go back into them and completely have to start again she i will have forgotten everything but I guess that’s how things go sometimes.

I was looking for a job and I had applied for a few before all of this had happened too and again that has had to be postponed for a little while. If I’m honest though not having a job at the moment has sort of cane in my favour though as I’ve been helping my family and my grandparents a lot so I’ve been able to dedicate a lot more time to them.

That’s it that is a little glimpse into what my life has been like for the last few months, if you like reading about these type of things then please let me know in the comments !! I don’t really write these type of things so it would definitely be different.

Onto the monthly review …

If you’ve been reading my blog posts for a while now then you will know how I normally structure my monthly review blog posts. I’m going to structure this one a little bit different as I don’t want to drag this blog post for any longer than I need to plus I’ve already covered a few of the subjects which I normally include.

What were my goals this month –

👉🏻 1500 twitter followers

👉🏻 700 Instagram followers

👉🏻 480 blog followers

👉🏻 Keep on improving Pinterest

👉🏻 Have driving lessons 😬

👉🏻 Upload guest posts

👉🏻 Reach out to a brand @stylingsocial_ keep me accountable 😬

👉🏻 Upload more Tik toks

What goals did I achieve and which ones didn’t I –

This is probably a really lazy way of doing it but I’m going to use ✅ and ❌ to demonstrate which ones I’ve achieved and which ones I haven’t because I don’t really want to dwell on the negatives fir too long because I know I haven’t really achieve much this month.

👉🏻 1500 twitter followers ✅ I have finally hit 1500 twitter followers after 3 months, yes you heard that correctly 🎉 !!

👉🏻 700 Instagram followers ✅

👉🏻 480 blog followers ✅

👉🏻 Keep on improving Pinterest ✅

👉🏻 Have driving lessons ❌

👉🏻 Upload guest posts ✅

👉🏻 Reach out to a brand @stylingsocial_ keep me accountable 😬✅

👉🏻 Upload more Tik toks✅

Okay maybe I shouldn’t be so hard on myself because out of 8 goals I’ve manger to achieve 7 of them whoops 🤫😂 I first started this blog post thinking I’ve probably only managed to achieve one of them but I’ve achieved way more than o expected. This is how I structured the blog post in my brain that’s why I’ve left it like this it makes sense 😂

Also I’ve been noticing that the last couple of weeks that engagement on here has been super low and I’ve found myself comparing my account to others which I know I shouldn’t be doing but some times it’s so hard not to. There is also something else going on with my social media part of life but I’m not ready to talk about that yet.

Blog posts I have uploaded this month –

👉🏻 4 tips on how to appreciate yourself

👉🏻 The six questions that helped me discover self-love

👉🏻 4 ways on how to start loving yourself first

👉🏻 What happens when you stop limiting yourself

👉🏻 May’s monthly review and life update (This post)

This month was also Mental health awareness week so I did my part and tried to raise as much awareness as I could using my platform. Last year I write a couple of blog posts for it but this year I decided to them on Instagram I think in which I posted 4 times throughout the week. If you would like to check them out here they are 🤫

This is the end of this very mixed life update and monthly review and to be honest I’ve really enjoyed just having a ramble end uploading a non structured blog post. Like I says above you will have to let me know in the comments if you like this type of blog post better !!

I hope everyone is staying safe and well too !! I know. We are loving through a very uncertain time at the moment but just remember there is light at the end of the tunnel and day light will start to appear again. Sending you all love and hugs 💗

What have you achieved this month ? It doesn’t matter how big or how small it is just write it down in the comments section because I want to know !!

Thank you for the support as always, If you enjoyed this post please like and comment and follow. If you would like to help me to make my website self-hosted then please use the link, it would be greatly appreciated

Until next time 😊

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