What will happen when you stop limiting yourself ?

I recently write an Instagram post all about limiting yourself and not believing in yourself enough to believe that you can do more than you allow yourself to do which was my inspiration for this post. Something I have always done without even realising sometimes was limiting myself.

So I thought I would write a post all about them limiting beliefs because I think it will help a lot of other people who also limit themselves because they do not believe in then selves but also it will help me because it’s a way I can start learning to believe in myself more and get rid of these limits.

I think we will all limit ourselves at some point in our lives but some of us will do it more because we simply do not either believe in our potential or see our potential. I think limiting ourselves can be something which we pick up from the people around us because if they do not believe in us we won’t believe in ourselves but as well as this it’s to do what we actually think of ourselves.

Over the last few months, I have actually started to not limit myself and actually learn to believe in myself. I think one of the biggest influences on this was joining a membership for influencers which inside is a group of girls who all belief in each other and will support each other. Also, we have the best social media coach who believes in us no matter what. I think having a big support network has a massive impact on how we perceive ourselves and what we see as our potential.

These are a few things that you will start to notice once you actually stop limiting yourself and actually start believing in yourself and your potential. Some of these I am still trying to implement in my life as well so it’s a learning curve for you and me.

What will happen once you stop limiting yourself?

Bigger goals and aspirations

One of the biggest things you will start to notice when you start to stop limiting yourself is you will start setting yourself bigger goals and you will start to have wider aspirations. One of the biggest reasons I think that we don’t set ourselves bigger goals is because we are scared of actually achieving them and don’t actually know how to achieve them so we end staying in our comfort zones and setting ourselves smaller goals.

I have started to overcome my comfort zones massively over the last few weeks doing things that I wouldn’t ever think I would ever do. You know what has helped me to set myself these bigger goals; telling other people these goals and talking about them, talking about your goals helps so much.

I want you to tell me, what is one of your bigger goals? Comment them below 👇🏻

Becoming less apprehensive

As soon as you start to stop limiting yourself you instantly start to believe in yourself a little more every time you achieve something that you didn’t think you were capable of. You will start to feel more confident in yourself and less apprehensive of trying new things. It’s natural to be scared of things sometimes that’s part of being human but once you do something that you could never imagine yourself doing you’ll feel so much more confident in yourself.

I definitely have lately because I have now realised that I’m actually capable of doing what I want to achieve !!

You will start to take action

Once you actually start to stop limiting yourself and start believing in yourself, you will start to actually take a few more risks and take action of them goals that you set yourself. These do not have massive risks because this can become quite overwhelming quite quickly. So instead take a little action every day instead remember small progress is better than no progress.

You will start to be present

One thing we are all guilty of doing is living in the past it’s natural. What I mean by this is if we do something wrong or make a mistake we end up reflecting on the mistakes a lot and end up living in the past instead of actually existing and being present in the day. As soon as you try and forget these mistakes and try and learn from them instead of letting them mistakes control you, you will start to actually be present and start to enjoy your life more.

I hope that these few little tips will help you to stop limiting yourself and actually start to believe in yourself.Once you actually stop limiting yourself and start believing in yourself you will start to see wonderful things happen. Your confidence will flourish, you will be achieving great things and you will be happy !!

Do you limit yourself? Let’s chat 👇🏻

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Until next time 😊

4 thoughts on “What will happen when you stop limiting yourself ?

  1. Pingback: May’s Monthly review and a little sneaky life update – TimeToTalk 💗

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