Why taking a social media detox right now is also important ?

Have you ever wondered how to take a successful social media detox? Because with the current uncertainty surrounding everything at the moment now might be the perfect time to take a social media detox and a technology break.

At the moment we are living through a year which has been filled with complete uncertainty and distress, all of this can become very overwhelming very quickly. In the modern era, we are now in everything is online and on social media so there is no way of getting away from the news.

I literally live on social media probably 24/7, because when you are a blogger and are on your social media platforms all of the time and your constantly having to update your platforms all of the time. Well, this year one of my goals was to try and be in the moment more and try and take more of a break away from social media.

A little while ago I decided that I was going to try and take a complete break from my social media’s a least once a week so I can be with my family more and be less on my social media. I also try and take a social media/ technology break at least once a day normally of an evening I’ll take an hour off my phone and iPad completing and just watch tv or something.

I thought I would give you all my top tips for taking a successful social media and technology detox as I’ve always been terrible at taking breaks so I thought there must be people just like me so why not write a blog post.

My top tips on how to take a successful social media detox

Dedicate a day in the week for a break

One thing I will always recommend when taking a social media detox is at the start of each week or start of each month choose one day where you’re going to take a complete break from social media or just a few hours where you take a break. By doing this you will already have it scheduled it in your calendar so there are no excuses for taking a break !!

Turn off your notifications

I know for me personally that when I have a successful social media detox it helps to turn off all of your notifications on your phone and other devices. This will help you stay off your phone and help you to not check on your social media platforms every hour or so. When you get notifications on your phone all you want to do is check them and be nosey well I know I do 😬

Make a plan for the day

When I take a social media and phone detox I like to know what I am going to do with my day otherwise I know I will get bored and end up going back on the phone and social media. Have a think of the things that you have wanted to do for a long time but haven’t had the time for … Write down the things and enjoy doing them because you will feel so much better for doing the things that you enjoy.

Things that you might enjoy doing while taking a social media detox –
  • Take a warm bubble bath
  • Organise your bedroom or house
  • Meditate or do some yoga
  • Go for a walk
  • Spend some time with your family.

Schedule your social media

If you are someone who feels guilty for taking breaks and your job is profoundly social media based. So instead schedule your posts ahead so you know your presence is still felt on your social media platforms but you’re not personally there.

Here are a few scheduling apps which might help you –
  • Buffer
  • Preview
  • Pinterest app scheduler
  • Hoot suite

Advantages of taking a social media detox

There are so many different advantages of taking a social media detox as it benefits your physical and mental health in so many different ways. Taking a break from our social media and phone is often overlooked or forgotten about. This is why I think it is important to take a break when you can.

A few benefits from taking a break –
  • Getting a new perspective of things away from social media
  • Improve your mental health
  • Improve how you think of yourself
  • Time to focus on yourself

I hope these tips and advice will help you to decide to take a social media break and just take some time out for yourself. Remember it is so important to take time out for yourself because when you get caught up with your phone and social media you forget to take that time out for yourself.

I saw this quote and wanted to share it with you all πŸ‘‡πŸ»

Sometimes you need to take a break to be alone with your own thoughts to rejuvenate.

Thank you for the support as always I wouldn’t be doing what I am doing today without you all. I would really appreciate if you enjoyed this post please give this post a like and comment and follow my blog for more posts in the future. If you would like to help me to make my website self-hosted then please use the link, it would be greatly appreciated https://ko-fi.com/D1D4V3G4. I hope you have a lovely day and stay safe and well xx

Until next time πŸ’—

Why taking a social media break is also important right now ?

7 thoughts on “Why taking a social media detox right now is also important ?

  1. I totally agree! I love the tips, especially “making a plan”. I recently did a 30 day Instagram detox (I actually just wrote a post about this) and what I found for the first few days is that…I didn’t know what to do with the ‘extra’ time I got. But after I realize I need a plan, things went uphill from there. Coming out of a detox felt so good! Love your post!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: June and July monthly review – TimeToTalk πŸ’—

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