4 Misconceptions surrounding body image

One of the biggest topics I’m talking about on my Instagram platform at the moment is body image and body positivity as it’s one part of my life that I’ve always struggled with and I know that a lot of other people struggle with their body image too so If I could help people by sharing my experiences then I will.

I want to use my blog today to talk about the misconceptions surrounding body image I’ve written blog posts about misconceptions before but never about body image.

To be happy in your body, you need to learn to love your body because without learning how to love your body, you will always look at yourself and pick flaws. By learning to accept and love your body you will become someone you wants to be in the skin of there body instead of someone you who constantly hates on there body

Misconceptions of body image

Body image is important

Body image was never really a subject you were taught about in school or education but it is so so important and should be talked about so much. So many young people and teenagers struggle to accept their bodies for what they are which leads to problems in the future.

We will end up spending a huge portion of our life trying to convince ourselves that we don’t look very good or we aren’t worthy this is all part of body image which is so important.

We criticise our bodies so much and sometimes we criticise ourselves without even realising it. Criticising ourselves can have a negative impact on our self-esteem and confidence which impacts on our body image.

Having the perfect body

For a long period of time now we have referred to our bodies as ‘having a perfect body’ it honestly still confuses me why we still refer to our bodies as ‘perfect’ because no one has a perfect body we all have individual and unique bodies.

The term having a ‘perfect body’ first originated with the media and social media world abs because we now live in a society where we revolve around social media we are more likely to believe what we see on social media compared to other sources of information.

If you believe that there is a ‘perfect’ body type then that we have a negative impact on your body image.

If you are overweight then that means your unhealthy

I’ve heard this misconception surrounding body image such a huge amount just because you are overweight it definitely doesn’t mean your unhealthy it all depends on your DNA and genes and how your body is built everyone’s bodies are different no two are the same.

Size should not be used to determine if you are healthy or not.

Having a positive body image means you always feel positive about your body.

Just because you feel confident and happy with your body some days it doesn’t mean that you don’t have some days where you look in the mirror and you don’t like what you see. Learning to accept and love what you see is a constant journey and process.

It’s like with everything you have ups and downs and setbacks It’s the getting back up and feeling positive and learning which makes the difference.

As a lot of you will already know I love a good old quote, I absolutely love this quote I always think of it when I think of body image and body positivity so I thought I would share it with you all.

If there is ever any other blog post or topics you would like me to discuss or talk about in the future then please let me know in the comments and I will try my best to write the content you would like to see.

Thank you for the support as always I wouldn’t be doing what I am doing today without you all. I would really appreciate if you enjoyed this post please give this post a like and comment and follow my blog for more posts in the future. If you would like to help me to make my website self-hosted then please use the link, it would be greatly appreciated https://ko-fi.com/D1D4V3G4. I hope you have a lovely day and stay safe and well xx

Until next time 💗

19 thoughts on “4 Misconceptions surrounding body image

  1. I remember one time in high school I had a friend who told me how much she weighed and then complained about how she was fat. Unknown to her, she weighed about ten pounds less than me and we were almost the same height. So I asked her if she thought I was fat. She rushed to say “of course not” and then I told her she weighed less then me so that meant she couldn’t be fat either. I think people get obsessed with the numbers instead of finding out about their own body because what it right for someone else isn’t necessarily right for you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I defiantly know what this is like I’ve experienced a very similar situation and its horrible because you end up being so self-conscious and worrying about what you look like. People defiantly get obsessed by numbers and at the end of the day its defiantly not as important as people first think. love this !!
      Thank you for reading and commenting.

      Charlotte xx

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Some great points about body image. I think the quicker we can get rid of the notion that there’s a “perfect” body, the better and definitely the whole “being overweight is unhealthy” thing too. That definitely needs to change and we need to look at very different factors to determine health xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Brilliant post. I think we have such a warped view of body image and it is so damaging, a lot of us are striving for something that is not real.

    Perceptions of body image need to be debunked for real, I am my own worst enemy when it comes to this, but reading this has truly helped x

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The message in this post is so so important. So many of us put too much worth on what our bodies look like – I’m guilty of it too. I’ve struggled with my body image for years but I’m trying to surround myself with positive influences like this post to remind me that everyone is different and there’s no such thing as the perfect body. This is also why when I post about exercise on my blog I always make a point of saying have a healthy relationship with exercise and only do it because you enjoy it – not because you feel you have to look a certain way!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thankyou so much ! That is so important having a healthy relationship with exercise because like you said there is no point in doing it because you feel pressured into doing it !Thankyou for reading & commenting x

      Charlotte 💗


  5. aspoonfulpofvanilla

    This is such a great post. I think there is such a warped idea that the perfect body exists and it doesn’t. Like you said it is wholly dependent on your genetics and DNA.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Wonderful post. Thank you so much for sharing this. Many of us have body image issues and sadly it’s due to the culture that surrounds dieting and weight loss in the world today. But I think as time goes on, we’re becoming more ‘woke’ to the BS being spread by the world about the ‘ideal’ body type.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Pingback: June and July monthly review – TimeToTalk 💗

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