why it’s okay to not have your life figured out

Let’s talk about why it’s okay to not have your life figured out still by the time you are going to reach your 20’s. If you have been following my blogging journey for a little while now you will know that I am currently 19 but we have to know reached 6 months into the year which means we are halfway through the year already meaning I’ll be 20 in 6 months.

Through my life so far I would say I haven’t exactly figured out which direction I am going yet but in my opinion, I don’t think that defines you or what direction your life might take. I personally think that our lives will go in the direction that we see fit and most things happen for specific reasons and the right time will come.

Different stages of early life

I think when we are younger we are all brought up with this perception that we should all have our lives sorted out by the time we leave school and this in my eyes is a massive misconception. When we are in education we go through so many different stages which all influence our lives.

We go through the stage where everyone wants to do a similar career for example doctor, vet, astronaut, police officer, teacher etc.

Then we go through the next stage in the last few years of our school life where we have this pressure bubble around us to get good grades when we leave school so we can carry onto sixth form, college or university.

These two stages have an impact on why we think that we need to have our lives figured out by the time we leave education. I have actually had personal experience and this why I know these two stages can have a massive impact on why we think we need to have our lives figured out.

Education affecting life’s direction

When I was in school I always remember we would do activities where we would say what type of Job we would like to do when we are older when in realistic terms we didn’t even have the foggiest clue what we wanted to do because at the end of the day we were only children.

Then as you get older and you transfer into high school and you have this massive pressure bubble as I like to call it where we have to focus on our exams. I think at this stage 50% of students know what career they want to pursue when they are older but it all relies on grades. I remember when I was in high school you would always get reminded what career path you wanted to go down and you had to get these specific grades to get into your choice of further education so you could do that specific job when you were older.

I think a lot of people relate to having your life all planned out to a job because I guess your life pretty much revolves around a job. Actually, I think we need to focus more on other parts of our lives instead of the whole focus being around your job and career. There are so many other different factors which affect whether you have your life sorted or not.

Sticking to one specific career

The older I get the more I realise that there is a stigma attached to jobs and careers. I think the stigma is that you need to pick one specific career and stick to it for the rest of you life and if you do one specific career throughout your life then that means you are successful.

Imagine an “x” buzzer noise !! The stigma in which I was just talking about is quite a ‘traditional’ stigma attached to careers. These days you can go down as many different career path as you like as long you are happy this is the biggest aspect of working. You need to find a job in which you are going to feel happy, motivated she dedicated too!

Stop caring about what everyone else thinks

This personally affects me quite a bit and this is why I want to address this. Throughout my life I’ve always been told ‘I should be working’ ‘you should be driving by now’ ‘you should lose weight’. Throughout life, there is always comparisons and other people who think you should be doing other things and you are more capable than you think you are.

I have always been the type of person who will worry about what other people think of me. Now I’m getting more ‘wiser’ and maturer I’ve realised that I limit myself a massive amount because I care too much about what other people will think of me.

It doesn’t matter what we are doing, what we look like, what life has planned for us our lives will go in the direction that we see fit. The only person who should have a bigger impact on where your life is going is you!

We have to try and focus on the positives and try and move to pass the negatives because if we are constantly focusing on what other people think we should be doing with our lives then we wouldn’t be able to get past what they think and we would be stuck in the past instead of looking forward to the future.

While writing this blog post I found this quote that I wanted to share with you all as you all know I love a good old quote πŸ˜‚

When I first originally started to write this blog post I wasn’t entirely sure what direction I wanted to take it in and now reading back through the post I’m so glad I have highlighted some of these things. These points I’m which I have talked about will probably impact all of us at some point in our lives or will already have.

I hope that this blog post will help you all realise that you don’t need to have your life figured out just enjoy the path it’s taking you and if you’re not enjoying that path take a different direction until you see one what fits you perfectly!

Thank you for the support as always I wouldn’t be doing what I am doing today without you all. I would really appreciate if you enjoyed this post please give this post a like and comment and follow my blog for more posts in the future. If you would like to help me to make my website self-hosted then please use the link, it would be greatly appreciated https://ko-fi.com/D1D4V3G4. I hope you have a lovely day and stay safe and well xx

Until next time πŸ’—

3 thoughts on “why it’s okay to not have your life figured out

  1. suziesworldblog

    Brilliant read. I don’t like how there is so much pressure, to know what you want to do by a certain age or you have to have a family by thirty. Everyone is on a different journey and I feel that people forget this. Fantastic read.😊

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: June and July monthly review – TimeToTalk πŸ’—

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