4 Tips To Find Yourself When You’re Feeling Lost

I just want to talk about what is going on at the moment because we are living in very uncertain times. None of us ever imagined living like this or going through any of this. but the thing is no one actually ever thought we would ever go through something like this until we’re faced with it.

Over the last few weeks, I’ve sort of felt my spark go a little bit and I don’t really think there was any specific reason for it I just think with everything going on in the works right now it can be very challenging mentally and physically and it’s okay if we don’t feel okay all of the times.

A lot of the time we can be really hard on ourselves because natural human instinct is to just be okay. Over the last few years, I think people are thinking about there mental health more and more and accepting that it is okay if we are not okay.

I think we are all feeling very similar at the moment because we were not trained on how to feel because it was very unexpected. As things are slowly starting to come back to normality I think it can be even more scary and stressful which is why I think a lot of us are feeling our ways go a bit because we’ve got so much going on.

I wanted to try and give you all a few tips that I myself have been finding useful in the last few weeks. Like I said I felt my spark go for a few weeks and it took me a while to light it again. I’m here now talking feeling really productive and positive.

4 Tips To Find Yourself When You’re Feeling Lost

Accepting and acknowledging the situation

I personally think one of the biggest things you need to do before you can actually start to try and image yourself and light that speak is to try and accept and acknowledge the situation. In some situations, I know it can be a lot harder to accept that situation instead try and acknowledge the situation. By accepting and acknowledging it will make it a lot easier to deal with.

Changing how you think of the situation you are faced with

I think this tip can go with anything in life, to be honest. One of the biggest things I think we can all say we struggle with is when we are faced with an uncertain situation we instantly think of the negatives as that’s a human response.

We need to try and start ‘training’ our minds to turn the negatives into positives. I know it seems a lot harder than it probably is. For instance, say your due to go back to work but you’re terrified of going back, write down all of the things that are scaring you and maybe share them with other colleges because I bet you’ll find that other people around you are feeling very similar right now.

Focuses on yourself

Through these times another human response would be “it’s selfish to focus on yourself” but actually there is nothing selfish about putting yourself first. As soon as you start to think of yourself that little bubble of self-doubt starts to pop up we need to try and put that to the side say I need to focus on myself before I can give my energy to the people around me.

Do something for yourself

Another thing we all seem to struggle with is taking that time out for ourselves and just enjoying what we are doing for a moment. Doing something for yourself will make you feel so much better because you are doing something for yourself that you will enjoy instead of focusing on the current situation. You’re changing the thing that you are concentrating on.

I hope that these few little pointers will help you start feeling like your old self again and light that spark. I just want to end the post by saying that please do not be too hard on yourself and if your having a bad day and nothing seems to be going to the right way just take a step back and re-evaluate everything and think you be able to think a bit clearer.

Remember we are all allowed to have a day or a few days where we don’t feel okay all of the time !! Take this time to focus on yourself !!

Thank you for the support as always I wouldn’t be doing what I am doing today without you all. I would really appreciate if you enjoyed this post please give this post a like and comment and follow my blog for more posts in the future. If you would like to help me to make my website self-hosted then please use the link, it would be greatly appreciated https://ko-fi.com/D1D4V3G4. I hope you have a lovely day and stay safe and well xx

Until next time 💗

7 thoughts on “4 Tips To Find Yourself When You’re Feeling Lost

  1. Thanks Charlotte! These are definitely strange times. It can definitely be easy to dear the worst. One thing I’ve started doing lately is a feature journal. Every morning I write 3 things I was grateful for the day before. It helps me stay the day on a positive note. So far I’m definitely liking it.

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