4 things that do not determine your self-worth

Do you think you are worthy? If your answer to this question is no then you might want to carry on reading to learn how to determine your self-worth and learn what actually is self-worth?

What is self-worth?

I wasn’t exactly sure how to explain what is self-worth without using the dictionary explanation so here is the proper meaning. The sense of one’s own value or worth as a person; self-esteem; self-respect.

Without even thinking of it self-worth falls into so many different things, you will have heard the term ‘worthy’ before this links to self-worth. Self-worth is the measure of how much we think we are ‘worthy’ as individuals. If we did not have this ‘worth’ we wouldn’t be able to feel confident or explain the decisions we are making. By having this worth it helps us to feel a lot more confident and when we do make a decision it’s a lot easier to follow through with that decision if we are confident in it.

Self-worth falls into lots of different topics if it was a tree it would have lots of different branches. If you think of that tree as an individual, so does an individual have lots of different branches because there are so many different things what makes a person. One of the many things that makes a person who they are today is self-worth which also includes self-esteem and self-respect.

How to measure self-worth?

When we talk about self-worth, we talk about measuring how much self-worth we actually have. Like I said above self-worth falls into so many different categories which you would never have thought of.

These are just a few things people measure there self-worth based on:

  • Your appearance
  • Your weight
  • Education eg, school, college, university
  • How much you earn?
  • What job do you do?
  • How productive you are?

You will probably have all bases your self-worth on one of these topics before without even realising it even I have. One of the things that I base my self-worth is on how productive I am, because if I’m having a really good day where I am really productive then I feel amazing and feel like I can achieve anything but if I don’t have a productive day then I sort of just want to give up and I know I won’t be the only one.

I’m going to completely contradict what I have just said because, in my opinion, you can’t measure your self-worth just like you can’t measure lots of different things. If we did measure our self-worth based on these things, some of us would be feeling very worthy whereas others wouldn’t be. We are all equal and we are all worthy !!

4 things that do not determine your self-worth

Your job

I personally think that a lot of people use this factor to determine their self-worth but I don’t think they should. Because it doesn’t matter what job you do as long as you are happy doing it because if you’ve got to do that job every week you’ve got to enjoy it and be happy. You could be a manager of a company or work retail or be a waitress all of these occupations are worthy and they do not justify you as a person.

Your social media platforms

Now in the 20th century, we think that our social media is everything but let’s put a full stop and end that. You could have 2 million but no one actually knows who is behind the screen, well you could have an idea but we never have a perfect picture of that person.

Your appearance

A massive factor people take into account when thinking of self-worth is your appearance, what you look like does not matter and it certainly doesn’t make any difference how worthy you are.

Your grades

I am guilty of this because when I did my GCSE’S I thought I was less worthy than my classmates because I didn’t do as well as them. Over time I’ve learnt that my grades do not determine me as an individual. My personality and who I am as an individual matter more.

These are just a few of the things that do not determine your worth but the list goes on forever.

I found this quote and I thought it was completely accurate with what we are talking about so I want to end this post with a quote.

 β€œYou need to love yourself. Love yourself so much to the point that your energy and aura rejects anyone who doesn’t know your worth.”  – Click to tweet

4 things that do not determine your self-worth

Thank you for the support as always I wouldn’t be doing what I am doing today without you all. I would really appreciate if you enjoyed this post please give this post a like and comment and follow my blog for more posts in the future. If you would like to help me to make my website self-hosted then please use the link, it would be greatly appreciated https://ko-fi.com/D1D4V3G4. I hope you have a lovely day and stay safe and well xx

Until next time πŸ’—

20 thoughts on “4 things that do not determine your self-worth

  1. Rhi // The Violet Journal

    Thanks for this post! I’m especially bad at measuring my self worth by my productivity levels but I’m working towards developing a healthier relationship to work.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Following graduation from uni I was always evaluating my self worth by the fact I didn’t get the first I worked so hard for. I would regularly compare with myself with my husband (who got straight As throughout) even though he did a completely different subject, and for years I put myself down as a failure. I still have days where I see it that way every now and again but for the most part I’ve worked hard to switch my perspective! Thank you for sharing and I love the quote at the end! x

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Amazing post and some very good reminders here. I think being online, it’s SO easy to define your self worth by your likes or your followers or how much money you’re making compared to someone else. I love social media but it definitely doesn’t help your self esteem! x

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Stephanie

    I absolutely love this post.❀ I often get told I’m not self-worthy from my family. At times, I really thought what they said was true; thanks to your post I know now what it means to feel self-worthy – the right way. ☺

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Your words couldn’t have been truer. Such a good reminder to ourselves that we are worth so much more than superficial things. None of these actually determine your personality as a whole, and in the long run our beliefs, values and character are what count!

    Liked by 1 person

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