Overcoming my comfort zones

If you have been following my blogging and Instagram journey for the last month I think now you will probably actually know where this blog post is actually going to take us because there have been some pretty big things/ changes been happening over the space of a month !!

At the start of February, or even I think it could have been a few weeks before that I started following an Instagram page called @stylingsocial, which the girl who actually runs this Instagram page is called @ellie who is when I say this I mean it amazing. I felt like for a little while nothing new was happening with my blog, I became stuck in this rut shall we say.

I started talking to Ellie from @stylingsocial about my blog, Instagram and just talking in general and she said she was opening up a membership where there would be a group of girls who all want to improve their platforms and just grow which I thought was amazing because that’s exactly what I wanted to do I just didn’t know-how.

I think to be honest I needed pushing in the right direction !!

So I joined the styling social influencer membership which I was so apprehensive about, as I didn’t know Ellie that well or any of the other girls inside of the membership. I can definitely tell you this now; I didn’t need to be apprehensive at all because all of the girls are so so lovely and supportive !! It’s like one big family inside of it πŸ’—

Where it all started –

One of the challenges Ellie set for us girls was to show up on our Instagram stories, which we all were very nervous about except for a few of the girls who already do this. This was going to be one of the biggest challenges I was ever going to face in my whole blogging journey because for the last year and a half this whole journey has been anonymous.

When I say I had to be persuaded I mean persuaded, I was really lacking the confidence to do this and honestly, I wasn’t going to because I wasn’t sure what the response would be from the rest of the blogging community/ world. I think this was one of my biggest hurdles because it was trying to believe in myself enough to do it.

I think sometimes when you don’t believe in yourself, you need someone to believe in you for you! A lot of the time we can’t see our own potential and see where we can actually go because this barrier is in the way.

I made the leap and broke the barriers and made the decision to actually reveal who I actually was! I’m not going to say it was easy because it most definitely wasn’t. I think it took me about an hour to actually upload the video because originally I hated how I sounded, how I looked and just wasn’t happy with how the video looked.

I think I must have re-filmed it at least 10 times or so until I realised how many more times can I keep re-filming it. So I just thought, in the end, it will be fine and just pressed the upload button … 😱

I felt this massive sigh of relief but nerves at the same time because I was happy with the fact I had actually done it but I was fervour about what everyone else would think.

I definitely didn’t need to worry though as I had so so much support from all of the influencer membership girls who believed in me and supported me, my Instagram followers were also very supportive and not forgetting my twitter followers !! If you were one of the many people who supported me on that day I want to say a massive Thankyou because I generally wouldn’t have done it without you !!

Getting out of my comfort zone of staying behind the screen was massive for me, but once I had done that one video I had gained so much for confidence because that same week I needed up doing a daily routine thing on my Instagram stories which everyone seemed to love.

Overcoming comfort zones

Conquering more of my comfort zones –

I promise I’m nearly finished … Then just last week I posted a video of myself on my stories every single day which was massive it was the most I had ever talked on camera I just felt so confident until I faced a troll but that didn’t stop me well it did for the night but the next day I bounced back and filmed another story.

I honestly could not have done it without @ellie from @stylingsocial I owe it all to her if you are reading this post-Ellie I just want to say again a massive Thankyou to you you are amazing, the best social media coach and friend anyone could want !!

I honestly can’t believe how much I have come out of my comfort zone and how much more confidence I have gained.

As I’ve shown everyone else who I am why don’t I do a face reveal on my blog too !! If you didn’t already know who I was here I am 😝

Overcoming comfort zones

I guess this wasn’t one of my normally typical blog posts, I just wanted to share a big achievement which I had succeeded with and something I could never have imagined myself doing !!

Thank you for the support as always, If you enjoyed this post please like and comment and follow. If you would like to help me to make my website self-hosted then please use the link, it would be greatly appreciated https://ko-fi.com/D1D4V3G4

Until next time 😊

16 thoughts on “Overcoming my comfort zones

  1. Karen

    Congratulations on breaking out of your comfort zone!!
    It was really nice to read about how you overcame those challenges and how it helped grow your confidence.

    Great post!!

    Karen x |the component.com

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations, this is really inspirational to read Charlotte! You should be proud of yourself! I’ve never actually made an Instagram story, I just don’t know what to chat about! Maybe I should just take a jump out of my comfort zone and give it a try. Thank you for the encouragement and that is a lovely photo of you too! ❀ xx

    Bexa | http://www.hellobexa.com

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww thankyou so so much !! Literally I was the same I just chat about the most random rubbish ever πŸ˜‚ but people seem to like it because it’s close to reality and people can relate to it. Omg yes do it and if you do tag me in it !! πŸ’— Thankyou for reading & commenting x

      Charlotte πŸ’—


  3. This is such a beautiful post, I know how hard coming out of your comfort zone is and I’m glad you finally did. I was in the same position couple of months ago. When I finally did, I got relieved and gained more confidence in myself.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww thankyou so much ! Yes exactly once you overcome your comfort zones you definitely have more confidence in yourself it’s massive you don’t realise how much it holds you back. Thank you for reading & commenting x

      Charlotte πŸ’—


  4. Hannah Read

    Congrats! I really struggle with this sort of thing too, however uploaded a video to my stories for the first time last weekend (for some reason I’m okay with IGTV because it’s more pre-prepared, but stories are scary). Next step is to go live with a Q&A, which I kind of have to because I’ve promised a brand I will, eek!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww thankyou so much ! I know you mean about iGTV because you can edit and everything so you feel more comfortable with it. I’d love to go live one day hopefully I’ll get the confidence to do so. Good luck with going live !! Thankyou for reading & commenting x

      Charlotte πŸ’—


    1. Aww thankyou so much !! I’m so glad you’ve been doing the same the amount of confidence you start feeling is amazing and makes you want to step out of more. Thankyou for reading &commenting x

      Charlotte πŸ’—


  5. Pingback: March’s monthly review | TimeToTalk πŸ’—

  6. Just catching up on everyone’s blogs from the last few weeks and loved this! Congratulations! You’ve inspired me to take a look at where in life I can step out of my comfort zones too, so thank you! Also lovely to be able to put a face to the name now too πŸ™‚ xx


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