6 ways to overcome your comfort zone.

If you have read my latest blog post you will know that lately, I have been trying to overcome my comfort zones which is something I’ve always struggled with. Overcoming your comfort zones is such a challenge for a lot of people and a lot of people do struggle with getting out of their comfort zones.

I thought I would give you all my 6 top tips for overcoming your comfort zones as I feel over the last 4 weeks or so I’ve overcome a lot of my different comfort zones.

I remember having an assembly at school once all about exams and wanting to succeed and not believing in yourself. Then the assembly went on about signing up for college and how some people were scared to enrol as they call it. I have always remembered the headteacher at the time saying that the things that make scared are sometimes the best things to ever come out life. If you think about it, it can be very true in some ways because sometimes things do go to plan and sometimes it doesn’t but until you try you will never know.

My 6 top tips for overcoming your comfort zones –

  • Taking the first leap – To someone who is trying to try something new, I know that taking the first step is always the hardest. A little while ago when I wanted to show my face on my social media’s I knew that the first step was always going to be the hardest and you know what it was! But am I glad I made that first big step absolutely yes! Even if it’s a small step forward to overcoming your comfort zones it’s still something towards your goal !!
  • Try something new – For a lot of people and for myself, trying something new can seem quite scary and adventurous shall we say. But sometimes you need to try something new to get out of your comfort zones. I think sometimes you have to stick to trying something new for a while until you start to feel comfortable.
  • Make a list-making a list of all of the things you want to achieve outside of your comfort zones is a great way to achieve things outside of your comfort zones because if you see the goals written down you will want to achieve them. One of the ways I do this is by on my notes app on my IPad I write a list of the things I want to achieve.
  • Having someone by your side – when I was trying to overcome a few of my comfort zones, having someone to guide you in the right direction or even believing in you is a massive help when trying to get out your comfort zones. Like I said in my latest post @stylingsocial was a great way to keep me on track and a supporting friend because as Ellie always said ‘keep me accountable’. Sometimes you just need that extra push and I definitely did so with the help from @styling social and all of the membership girls it definitely helped me hit my goal.
  • Step by step – Remember nothing happens overnight, everything will take time especially something completely new and new territory. I tried to overcome my comfort zones by taking small steps each day to achieve my goal and in the end, it worked. One day I would show a picture of my face, next day do a daily routine, then post a very short video of me talking, then a longer video and now I didn’t even have to think about because I just feel confident and comfortable.
  • Tomorrow is a fresh day – one thing I always stick to is that you always have tomorrow, sometimes you could try to overcome your comfort zone but something doesn’t go plan but don’t put it off forever just try again tomorrow because it will not harm you/anyone.

I know that by me giving you all of these tips by make it seem easy, but I’m not saying it is because I know it isn’t. It isn’t something that can just happen but it will do gradually you just have to keep working at your goal and you’ll soon enough be able to say ‘I conquered my comfort zone today’.

Remember success doesn’t happen overnight !!

Quotes about comfort zones-

Before I end this blog post I just wanted to share with you all a few quotes I have posted on my Instagram Lately about overcoming your comfort zones because I use my Instagram posts as a diary shall we say and I think some of these quotes may help you if you are trying to overcome your comfort zones !!

Exciting announcement-

Just a little announcement to cheer up your Wednesday hump day, this week you will be having two blog posts from time to talk so set your reminders for Sunday for an exciting guest post which you will have to wait to find who from πŸ˜πŸŽ‰

Keep your eyes peeled on Sunday

Are you trying to overcome your comfort zones at the moment? What comfort zones are you trying to overcome?

As always Thankyou so much for reading, I hope you have a lovely day πŸ’—

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15 thoughts on “6 ways to overcome your comfort zone.

  1. Such great ideas. You’re so right the first step is the hardest but once you’ve done it you can look back on it and know if you did the hardest part you can do the rest. Also having someone with you can make it that much easier to get going!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: March’s monthly review | TimeToTalk πŸ’—

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