What type of person actually am I ?

So in today’s blog post, I want to take it to a different angle if we can call it that. If you have been following me on Instagram recently and have been reading my Instagram captions then you might already know this but a couple of weeks ago I decided to do a personality test followed by an Enneagram test.

The results were pretty interesting, to be honest

Personality test

So let’s first of all talk about the personality test as this was the first test I completed. The reason behind me actually completing a personality was that I saw someone else I was following complete one and I remember completing one myself many years ago but I didn’t take it very seriously so I wanted to try again.

It took around 10 minutes to complete the test I used a website called 16 personalities some of the questions that they actually ask you are quite thought-provoking so it definitely makes you think about your answer before actually completing your answer.

The results of the personality test

So let’s get into the interesting part, I found out that the personality type I am in is a Defender and ISFJ-A / ISJF-T. When I first saw these symbols I didn’t have a clue what it meant until I read more into it. The website actually allows to read an in-depth description of your personality type.

I found out that the defender personality type is quite a Unique type as the individual’s traits are very unique to the person. So someone who is a Defender is quite sensitive, has analytical abilities but are very reserved and have strong social relationships.

There are a few strengths and weaknesses of a defender personality type I thought I would share a few.

⁃ supportive

⁃ Reliable and patient

⁃ Imaginative and observant

⁃ Loyal and hardworking

⁃ Humble and shy

⁃ Takes things too personally

⁃ Overload themselves

After reading through the in-depth explanations of what my personality type means it made it a lot easier to understand become a bit more clearer. Personally, I think there are quite a few similarities like I’m a really supportive individual and I am very reliable and patient but, to be honest, let’s be honest I don’t have the most imaginative brain 😂

It’s like the things like that it says that a Defender and ISFJ-A / ISJF-T can be very shy which is interesting because I can be very shy if I don’t know the person or I’m in a different situation so that’s definitely correct. I can def take things too personally too I’ve had a lot of experience with that. So actually how I am it reflects a lot of what I am actually like an individual.

Enneagram test

Now onto the Enneagram test I wasn’t actually originally going to complete an Enneagram test because if I’m honest I’d never heard of one before until someone posted a comment on one of my latest Instagram posts suggesting that I’d I enjoyed completing the personality test then I’d probably quite enjoy doing an Enneagram test.

The process of completing an Enneagram test is very similar to how you complete a personality test, to be honest. I used a website called ….. in which the test took around 10 minutes again which is nothing really. Once I had completed all of the questions it presented me with an in-depth report again like the previous test.

Results of the enneagram test

I promise I’m nearly finished rambling 😂

My Enneagram type is Type 2 and types 9 but mostly Type 2 I think which is described as the giver! A type two likes to be loved and likes to help the people around them. They are very good at seeing the good in people, and they will always have a listening ear.

⁃ Selfless

⁃ Dutiful

⁃ Empathic

⁃ Friendly

⁃ Generous

⁃ Loving

⁃ Low self-esteem

⁃ Can’t say no

⁃ Dependent on others approval

Similar to the test above I see a lot of my personality I’m these strengths and weaknesses. As one of my biggest weaknesses I would say is that I do have low self-esteem and am not very confident which is a characteristic of an Enneagram type 2. But onto the strengths, I am very friendly, generous and caring I’ll always do what I can for others. But I’m definitely terrible at saying no 😬

Based on what type of Enneagram I am which is Type 2 so I decided to create a graphic for my Instagram 😬

Conclusion of the tests

So the question is why did I decide randomly out of thin air to complete these tests? Until recently I hadn’t really ever thought about it but like a lot of you will know if you follow my journey that I’m quite interested in personal development so when you can complete a test to learn more about your personality traits I thought it would be really interesting and I’m so glad I decided to complete them because I’ve definitely learnt a few new things and makes things a little bit clearer in my head.

I know that this isn’t my usual type of blog post but I hope you all enjoyed reading a slightly different type of blog post and maybe you will learn something new too.

What type of person actually am I ?

Thank you for the support as always I wouldn’t be doing what I am doing today without you all. I would really appreciate if you enjoyed this post please give this post a like and comment and follow my blog for more posts in the future. If you would like to help me to make my website self-hosted then please use the link, it would be greatly appreciated https://ko-fi.com/D1D4V3G4. I hope you have a lovely day and stay safe and well xx

Until next time 💗

One thought on “What type of person actually am I ?

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