Learning to love your imperfections

Your imperfections aren’t just flaws about you, they make you who you are today because without them you wouldn’t be where you are now. If someone judges you based on one of your imperfections don’t take it as a negative take it as they are jealous of you because if they can take time out of their day to make fun of you, then there must be a jealous bone in their body which is making them be so horrible to you.

I think from a teenagers perspective, there are more bullies around these days then there was when say my parents were children in the ’80s. As people of the younger generation we have it so difficult because we have peer pressure, self-pressure, academic pressure and more to deal with. So when you have to deal with a bully it’s bloody hard to just ignore it I definitely know that.

People will say to you “just get thick skin” it shouldn’t have to be like that !! We shouldn’t have to just ignore it or grow thicker skin which will make us more use to it. It isn’t something you can get use to. It sticks with you for a very long time depending on the type of person you are.

For example, me, if someone says something about me I’m the type of person who doesn’t necessarily forget about what someone has said about me in the past. People who have previously bullied me in school or in college or just generally through life I can still remember all of what they have said it’s like a mental scar is how I think of it as.

Should it be like this?

Absolutely not if you say different then that’s absolutely fine because that’s your opinion but as individuals, we shouldn’t have to remember what bullies have said to us out of hate and despite we should all be able to live our own lives through the path that we have chosen without others bullying us for that.

We are taught to be more embarrassed or ashamed of our imperfections instead of actually feeling happy and comfortable in our bodies. This means we are constantly denying we have imperfections and running away from the truth even though we all know that we have them.

There is not one single person in the world who is ‘perfect’ because there is no ‘perfect’ body or ‘perfect’ person, we all have imperfections, we all make mistakes and we are all different. The phrase ‘I’m perfect’ should not even be used because no one is perfect.

Examples of imperfections-

Each person’s imperfections and flaws come in different ways it might be you’ve got –

  • Freckles – Freckles are actually very common these days and they’ve actually become ‘trendy’.
  • Dimples – I personally think that dimples are actually cute, but not everyone does and that’s absolutely fine but don’t be ashamed of them they make you beautiful.
  • Overweight / Underweight – Your weight is your weight I’ve always struggled with being overweight and I use to be embarrassed but now I don’t care really I am who I am and no one is going to change me other than me. Be proud of your body !!
  • Gaps in your teeth – You might have ‘imperfect teeth’ I’ll admit I do I had the chose if I wanted brasses and I chose not to. It’s your mouth you can do whatever you want to with it. We see all of these celebrities changing their teeth but why it’s a part of our body we are born with. If they are affecting you I understand if you need help with them.
  • Eyes – You May have to wear glasses which a lot of people do wear it’s become common now shall I say so don’t be embarrassed if you have to wear glasses.
  • Cellulite – If you have Cellulite here is a statistic which might make you feel better if you have it, 90 per cent of people have some form of cellulite. You can have cellulite at any age it doesn’t matter your age. We can all have it at some stage of our lives.
  • Stretch marks – Anyone can have stretch marks I have I’ll openly admit it I use to absolutely hate it because I thought it labelled me as ‘big’ but it definitely doesn’t it makes you beautiful and I have now accepted that. You can have stretch marks anywhere if it’s your stomach, breasts, arms or bottom. Don’t hate it embrace it !!
  • Scars – You definitely shouldn’t be ashamed of your scars, they show the battles you have had to conquer and the demons you have had to face. It also shows your still here today and you’ve fought to be here.
  • Body hair – We all have body hair somewhere on our bodies so don’t be embarrassed by it, you could have it on your arms, legs, face anywhere it doesn’t matter.

All of these things make you BEAUTIFUL !!


“One of the basic rules of the universe is that nothing is perfect. Perfection simply doesn’t exist…..Without imperfection, neither you nor I would exist”
― Stephen Hawking


But all of these things plus more MAKE YOU YOU !! So please stop hiding your imperfections and flaws and embrace them because we should be proud of them because they are a part of our bodies what make them ours !!

Someone with freckles which is perceived as an imperfection

Are you proud of your imperfections? Do you struggle with your imperfections?

Did you see my last post where I talked about moving onto 2020 🎉

Thank you for the support as always, If you enjoyed this post please like and comment and follow. If you would like to help me to make my website self-hosted then please use the link, it would be greatly appreciated https://ko-fi.com/D1D4V3G4

Until next time 😊

39 thoughts on “Learning to love your imperfections

    1. Your so right and sometimes it’s hard to ignore our imperfections but we need to start focusing on the positive parts of us instead of the negative 💗 Thankyou for reading & commenting x

      Charlotte 💗


  1. Such a positive article! I love your fact on having cellulite. It’s so easy to yearn ourselves down and criticize. I’m always working on self love and speaking positivity to myself. The conversations we have with ourselves are the most important ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great post – it’s SO important that we know how to appreciate every bit of ourselves! I think you make an excellent point about bullies being more prominent now, and I think it can be attributed to a combination of cyberbullying making people more confident in their meanness, and in a general decrease in self-esteem making people want to bring others down. I love your site – keep uplifting!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Kayleigh Zara

    I have an incredible nasty scar on my arm from an injury as a child and I really used to hate it, it took me a lot of time to learn to love it! Thanks for sharing these tips are super useful x

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Love this!! I’m the same as you, I don’t forget those horrible things that have been said about me in the past so it’s so difficult to develop a thick skin. Like you said, it shouldn’t have to be that way either! It’s so hard to learn to love your imperfections and it’s definitely something that I’m still working on! Xx

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Great post! For many years, I was bullied and had my imperfections pointed out to me on a daily basis. Now, I’m comfortable in my own skin and care not what others think. It’s a freedom like no other. I admire your confidence at such a young age. I sure wish I had that years ago.

    Thank you for this beautiful and powerful article!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Lellalee

    A very important post! As a child, I struggled with my imperfections – freckles (now I know, these aren’t actually imperfections), scars and acne. Getting to know and love yourself as you grow is a wonderful experience!xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  7. The Sacred Space AP

    Love this post! We all need reminding of this now and again. No one is perfect and our imperfections make us beautiful and unique.
    Thank you for sharing.
    The Sacred Space AP

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I’ve always struggled with my imperfections and I never forget all the bad things people have said to me or about me. It’s easier to focus on the negative rather than the positive, well it was for me until a few years ago. I’ve always hated my body, I’m not sure if that’s down to what I’ve been through over the years, or how I see myself, maybe a combination of both. Powerful post lovely 💚

    Liked by 1 person

  9. This is brilliant! This is an impossible thing for me to do right now as I have over 16 years worth of bullying to break down. I am slowly starting to accept that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and just say thank you if someone says something nice! xD

    Daisy xoxo | TheDeeWhoLived

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I honestly know how you feel I have been bullied for many years, but I’m very slowly trying to learn to accept myself for who I am. Bullying is horrible I’m sorry that you had to endure it. Thankyou for reading & commenting x

      Charlotte 💗


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