10 lessons I have learnt in 19 years

We’re coming up to the end of the year once again this year has completely flown by it only feels like the start of the year was yesterday. This week I am turning 19 yeah you heard that correctly 19 it’s scary right!

As it’s coming up to my 19th birthday I wanted to write a blog on things I’ve learnt in my 18 years of life and some lessons I’ve learnt. I think even though I’m only 18 when I upload this post that I’ve actually learnt a fair few lessons through my life through the good and the bad.

Lessons I’ve learnt in 19 years –

1. Learning from your mistakes

There are so many different things throughout my life I could have done better or differently and I could dwell on all of the things that I’ve done wrong but now I’m a lot older and guess maturer I don’t see it like that. The way I think of it as is you can’t change the things in the past you can only learn from your mistakes and move on from them because that’s the way you learn.

2. Don’t do things to please others, do something because you want to!

This is definitely a lesson I have learnt quite a few times and to be honest I’m still in the process of learning it. Don’t do something because you are scared of what someone else will think of you do it because you want to. There is no point spending your whole life doing things to please others because it will just make you miserable.

3. Don’t stay doing something if it makes you miserable and unhappy

This is probably one of the main lessons I have learnt this year, and the lesson I’ve learnt which has made the most difference in my life this year. I learnt this lesson when I was at college because I was doing a college course which I was unhappy doing and I think I was only doing it because I was scared of being judged. But I learnt that I’ve got to do what I want to do and stop pleasing others.

4. Stop doing things to please others

This one is very similar to the one above, over the years I have learnt that I need to start doing things to please myself and not do things to just pleasing others because at the end of the day my feelings matter too.

5. Don’t stress about the things which you can’t control

I think this has been one of my weaknesses for many years, stressing about things which I can’t possibly control. I try to think that I can to help but actually all it does it make you stress out more. So just let things be.

6. We all make mistakes but don’t dwell on them, learn from them and move on

I think we’re all guilty of this one because we all make mistakes it is inevitable because otherwise, we do not learn. Instead of dwelling on your mistakes for ages, learn from them and take note and move on.

7. We are all individual so stop comparing yourself to others.

I’ve always been one to compare myself to others but as times have gone on and I’ve become older I’ve realised that comparing yourself to others is toxic and does nothing good for you at all. I’ve learnt that each person is individual and unique.

8. Live life to the fullest because it’s too short.

Life is short as sad this going to sound it’s true, no one knows when their time is going to end because life is cruel. So instead of living life to fullest do the most that you can because otherwise, you will only wonder why you didn’t in the first place lives too precious.

9. Ask for help

Don’t be afraid to ask for help it isn’t a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of strength.

10. Grades do not mean everything.

Throughout my life, I have been told that ‘grades are everything’ I’m not saying that they do not matter but they aren’t everything. Your personality and character mean more than a number or letter by your name that’s a huge lesson I have learnt this year !!

I was going to do 19 lessons I have learnt but I thought the blog post would end up very long if I include that many so instead I’m going to include 10 so half of the amount.

Red Presents on 10 lessons I have learnt in 19 years

While your here why not check out one of my previous posts in which you can get a FREE printable in my Self care post 😝

What lessons have you learnt what would be valuable for others ?

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Until next time 😊

38 thoughts on “10 lessons I have learnt in 19 years

  1. This are some brilliant lessons! I wish I’d done some of these over the years especially not staying when I wasn’t comfortable. I got told off as a kid for not giving things a chance so that kind of stuck in my head. Now choosing what battles I fight and what I leave!

    Daisy xoxo | TheDeeWhoLived

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thankyou so much !! It’s not to late to make changes and learn new stuff, some of these lessons I’m still in the process in learning but I’m getting there. Thankyou for reading & commenting x

      Charlotte 💗


  2. dr.rasi gupta

    Thoughtful post! Learning from mistakes is a huge life lesson for me too personally. I don’t agree entirely with grades because i used to think so but with life, if one needs stability and security, education is the only thing that will bring it. Nothing else. Even in art forms, everything has to be supported by a formal qualification and discipline of some sort. Not getting highest grades might be Ok but education is the most important and will always be your asset no matter what. I was such a disinterested student but I’m glad my parents pushed me because that’s the only thing that has given me a stable life really. Just my personal thoughts of course. 🙂
    Rest of the points of course totally make sense. Never do things to just please others!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I completely understand where you are coming from and I know education is important and I’m definitely not saying it isn’t because it totally is because it teaches us everything our parents do not, but from personal experience the grade side of things not so much. Thankyou for reading & commenting.

      Charlotte 💗


    1. Same it’s such a fun way to look back at your life and realise some of the things you have learnt which sometimes you don’t even realise and actually it makes you realise it. You’ll have to tag me in yours once you upload it I’d love to read it !! Thankyou for reading & commenting x

      Charlotte 💗


    1. Aww thankyou so much lovely that means a lot !! You’ll get there it takes time I haven’t grasped all of these things completely but I’m getting there it just takes time. Thankyou for reading & commenting x

      Charlotte 💗


  3. I’ve also done one of these for my 20th and for 20 lessons to take with me to the 2020s! It’s currently saved in drafts. It’s amazing how many of these I have also included, especially the one about comparison and grades. It’s so difficult, but we all get to this point where one day we stop and realise that those who really support us are happy for us and our personal progress and achievements, regardless of what they may be. Really enjoy reading your posts 😊

    Liked by 1 person

      1. lonelyloquat

        Oh ok. Thanks for responding. I wanted to know because I’m American and we don’t really say “learnt” and I met someone who is Australian and used that word. 😆 It’s so interesting how small details communicate who we are.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: December monthly review 🎄 – TimeToTalk 🎄

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