‪What I’ve learnt since starting to blog ? ‬

I have now been blogging for 10 months which to some people wouldn’t be a very long time, because some of my fellow bloggers have been for 2-7years. It’s now coming up to my blogging anniversary very soon 😊

For me sticking to a hobby for that long is an achievement for me because I’ve never really found a hobby I like and enjoy to stick too for long enough. When I started blogging there was so many different things about it I didn’t understand and there are still things I don’t understand but that’s part of the learning parcel of blogging.

I thought I would write a blog post which is very different to my mental health blogs, as I wanted to write a general post where I talk to you all about the things I have learnt so far blogging and then hopefully you’ll learn a few things too.

So what blogging has taught me so far –

• That I am good at something, which some people will just think I am making this up, but throughout my life, I have never really felt like that I was very good at anything. I was always told throughout school I was failing and not very good at anything. So when I started blogging and all of you lovely bloggers started to interact with my posts I felt like I had found something I was good at and loved.

• Blogging is an outlook for writing about anything that you feel passionate about. 10 months ago if you asked me did I have any idea what I was doing? The answer would have been no because I didn’t have a clue. But I knew one thing and that was I was passionate about helping people and Mental health but also I just liked writing. Which is where the idea came from to start a blog about mental health and here we are now 10 months later.

• By blogging you can communicate with a whole new community of different people from all of the way around the world. I have found so many new mutuals through blogging and quite a few people I can call friends.

• Through blogging, I have learnt so many different skills in which I wouldn’t have learnt through anything else, for example, learning how to write a blog post to interest viewers, creating good graphics, learning SEO skills and learning how to actually run a site.

• You can’t make all of your viewers happy, sometimes you will have some viewers who love your content and always come back to read your posts but other times people will dislike your content and not like it but that’s just how it goes. Don’t dwell on that too much just carry on doing your thing.

• Don’t get disheartened if you have a bad month of statistics, because blogging isn’t all about views and comments, it’s about enjoying what you are doing you are the one who is creating the content so you need to enjoy what you are doing.

Statistics with a cross on it

• Don’t think that blogging is as easy 1 2 3 because it simply isn’t, there are a lot of different aspects of blogging you need to learn and take time creating content, publishing, engagement and sharing.

• I have never really been a person for creating goals and everything because I just thought that I can accomplish whatever I can accomplish. In actual fact creating goals helps you to achieve the things you didn’t think you could possibly even achieve I’ve achieved so much more than I ever could have thought of by creating goals.

  • Remember to take breaks and look after yourself, when I first started blogging I hardly ever took breaks but now I do and it’s the best thing for you and your content.

I’m not gonna lie and say blogging is easy because it’s not that’s why I wanted to share with you all of the negative and positives I have learnt through blogging so you can learn too. When outsiders see people blogging they think ‘ oh that’s easy ‘ it’s most certainly not.

I hope you all enjoyed this different sort of blog post, let me know what you think.

Here is my latest post if you would like to see more of the blog posts I create 😊

Cover image of laptop and coffee

Have you learnt a lot of new things blogging?

Thank you for the support as always, If you enjoyed this post please like and comment and follow. If you would like to help me to make my website self-hosted then please use the link, it would be greatly appreciated https://ko-fi.com/D1D4V3G4

Until next time 😊

27 thoughts on “‪What I’ve learnt since starting to blog ? ‬

  1. joshsturgell

    I am a newbie to blogging like you, however, much newer. In just two months I have learned so much about myself and I am thrilled to continue the journey. I am excited to reach the point that you have, and that many others have as the time passes. Good luck to you.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Emily Ann

    This was such a wonderful post! I’ve loved hearing about all the things you’ve learned from blogging. I really relate to your first one. I feel like I’ve never really been great at anything, but I love blogging, and I actually feel like I’m sort of good at it! It’s a feeling I’ve never had before, but it’s such an encouraging one and blogging brought me that 🙂 You have such good tips and ideas in here too that you’ve learned. Blogging definitely has it’s negatives and it’s positives, like you said, but the positives sure outweigh the negatives, in my opinion!

    Emily | https://www.thatweirdgirllife.com

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thankyou so much, your definitely right the positives outweigh the negatives. I’m so glad I’m not alone in feeling like I’ve actually found something I enjoy. I hope you keep enjoying blogging 😊 Thankyou so much for reading and commenting x


  3. Congrats on your upcoming anniversary! I completely relate to your first point about blogging; I feel the exact same, I never thought I was good enough for anything! This is such a great post and it has inspired me to think about what I have learnt too!xoxo

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Happy almost anniversary. I absolutely love blogging because it gives me the ability to reach many and build a sisterhood of support and healing. It is definitely not easy and requires unshakable determination. Wishing you continued success

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Pingback: November round up review ❄️ – TimeToTalk

  6. Great Job on you blog girl! and agreed-blogging teaches you so much about yourself. I feel like giving up so many times when i see stats. But i feel passionately about writing and being of help to others, be it in form of information or ideas/inspiration or just entertaining.. Thank you for reiterating that we have to persevere…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yeah definitely I’ve learnt so much about myself, just ignore statistics definitely though they do more harm than good in my opinion. No problem at all I’m glad it helped. Thankyou for reading & commenting x


  7. Pingback: Mystery blogger award 1 & 2 – TimeToTalk 🎄

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