First day back at school/college

This is the first time I won’t be doing β€˜a first day back’ at college or school. 14 years of back to school/college making me really anxious and making me dread them but now I do not need to dread going back to them 😊 school/college first day backs are over πŸŽ‰

It’s the best feeling not facing the dread and not sleeping for like a week because I would be so anxious but now it’s completely over and it is such a relief. I know I’m not alone though a lot of other people also hate first day backs because of anxiety, but some love going to school I use too but over time and getting older I would hate it more and more.

What it was actually like –

The more I went up in school or college the more I knew what first day backs were like. Especially in high school I use to know who my teachers new teachers were and my fellow students but it didn’t make the feeling go away because I knew what them teachers and students were like.

I use to spend hours trying to talk myself into feeling that it was actually going to be really good and I would enjoy it but it would never work. Every first day back from about high school I would feel so ill and horrible and it would take me about a week for the feeling to go away.

I think one thing which didn’t help was when you went back for your first day, it was the first day back in like 6 weeks it was a long time to be off for. The routine you use to follow change and lessons and subjects you learn change. 6 weeks later and everything you use to know is completely different.

I use to find it worse when I would have to change school or college because it was a completely new surrounding I would have to get use too. There would be new teachers,students and lessons.

School and college was supposed to be a time in your childhood in which you enjoy but for me it was the complete opposite. From around year 10 to college was three years of hell for me my anxiety was the worst I ever knew it and it was the time in my life I actually knew I struggled from anxiety, it was definitely eye opening for me.

I know that I’m not the only one who dread going back to school/college a lot of people actually hate the fact that they have to start new routines and meet new people. I think this is one of the things I mostly struggled with because I would be walking into a new school or college without knowing the students or the teachers, which is where the social anxiety would kick in.

School girl looking very anxious as it is her first day back at school. She is carrying a school book in her hand with her hair covering her face

My worst first day –

I think the worst first day I ever had was when I switched from high school to college because it was a completely different environment and different people. It wasn’t like moving from one school to another you sort of knew what to expect where as college was the opposite. You would see this massive building with people of all different ages and everything. The amount of times I got lost too was awful. It took me a long time to actually figure everything out and to be honest I don’t know if I ever actually settled in at college.

In high school they never really prepared you for starting college and things so you would be starting a new adventure with no support or understanding of what it was actually going to be like. When at school you are so use too, just changing school or year but with college your completely moving on with life I guess.

I hope you all enjoyed reading this post and getting to know what it was like for me when I started different schools and college.

If there are any different subjects you would like me to talk about in terms of school or college let me know 😊

Thank you for the support as always, If you enjoyed this post please like and comment and follow. If you would like to help me to make my website self-hosted then please use the link, it would be greatly appreciated

Until next time 😊

27 thoughts on “First day back at school/college

  1. I’m trying to return to finish my post grad, but it’s being a huge pain in the arse to sort it out. I really hate my university, it’s always something with them when. I can’t wait until I’m finished and never have to interact with them again, so I envy you right now

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I have been ‘the new kid’ more times than I can count and it certainly is hard, I dont think you ever really get used to it! Thank you for sharing your experiences, it is good to see it addressed, particularly how theres not a lot of prep between the different stages of academia. Great post 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow, that brings me back to my memories of school. I would certainly say that I do not want to go back there. But college is something else. I remember exactly how worried I was then. I thought it would be like school, but it was much better. I had so much friendship and so much knowledge in college. My most beautiful memories …

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: September round up review – TimeToTalk

  5. rosemarkle13

    I always used to get super anxious before the first day of school, even when I was young. I think I had the idea that everyone else knew what they were doing and I would just be a fish out of water. It’s nice to hear that other people felt the same way though! I’m in my third year of college now, so I don’t get as anxious because I know what to expect now. But I still get stressed because I have to move in only a day before classes start and being rushed still freaks me out. Congrats on being done with first days though!

    Liked by 1 person

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