Struggling with your mental health

“Everyone struggles sometimes but this doesn’t mean your any less of an individual just because your struggling or having a bad day”. Each person has their own story to tell and this is what makes us all individual and different. Imagine if everyone was the same and that every single day you had to do the same tasks over and over again wouldn’t like become boring.

Mental health illnesses being different –

Well if you think of it in terms of your mental health, we wouldn’t all want to have the same struggles or the same mental health illnesses. Yes these illnesses might sometimes drag us back to square one and sometimes you might feel like you haven’t achieved much, but you might have just woken up that’s a big step to someone who has a mental health illness like anxiety or depression.

The small steps in which we accomplish are big steps forward even if it is just getting out of bed or going outside. These steps all help us to move forward and sometimes it will take someone longer than others but that is not a bad thing because not everyone is the same. Some people might need medical treatment or too see a specialist to overcome there mental health problems where as others don’t. But just because you need help in some way doesn’t make you any less of a person.

Every step in which you take in the right direction will help in some way even if it doesn’t feel like it. It will just take time.

Struggling with your mental health-

A lot of people struggle with their mental health, some people will struggle by themselves never telling anyone what they are going through where as other will feel more comfortable talking about to someone.

So a word of advice if you know someone is struggling alone don’t judge them before getting to know the story behind the struggles.

There are a lot of reasons behind why someone will struggle alone instead of talking to someone, sometimes it’s straightforward and sometimes it’s not, so the main thing I’m trying to get at is DO NOT JUDGE SOMEONE before knowing there story.

Reasons for struggling alone –

  • Peer Pressure
  • Being judged
  • Family pressure
  • Acceptance
  • Scared – Think there annoying someone by bothering them

There will always be someone who can help you, it may be someone you’ve just met maybe online, family, friends or someone within your job or doctor or therapist. There are a lot of people who can help you don’t suffer alone let someone help you.

Thank you for the support as always, If you enjoyed this post please like and comment and follow. If you would like to help me to make my website self-hosted then please use the link, it would be greatly appreciated

Until next time 😊

10 thoughts on “Struggling with your mental health

  1. Very great post. I think it takes a very strong person to talk about something like this that so many people refuse to talk about. I have mild anxiety but this is right, just because there are others who have it worse doesn’t mean I’m not still affected. Thank you for sharing this.

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