Tips on gaining self-Confidence

Confidence is something I have struggled with for many years and I know that so many other people do too. We can all have confidence but at some points, In our lives, it can be really hard to maintain having that confidence and that is what I struggle with.

I wish I could write this blog post and say that I’m a really confident individual because in all honesty I’d really love to be confident but I’m just not I really lack in confidence. I’ve spent many years through school and out of school trying to do things which would Improve my confidence but every time I get somewhere I fall back down 2 steps.

I guess for me I haven’t always been not confident because I’d say when I was in the first school to middle school I was quite confident I’d have quite a few friends, I’d try different things, I’d go out and I would believe in myself.

I guess over so many years you can build your confidence up to the point that you are actually quite a confident individual, but if your not a very confident individual to start with then it doesn’t take much for your confidence to go back to square one.

Ways to boost your confidence –

As I’m writing this segment of the blog post I’m too going to try and take some tips to try and grow my confidence. We are all in this together !!

  • Imagine the person who you want to be – Look past your confidence, imagine who you want to be in a few years time. How I always think of this one Is think of a time when you had really high confidence and you were really proud of yourself. Remember who that person was? That’s where you need to aim to be.
  • Tell yourself you are good enough – Don’t rely on the person around you, telling you are good enough practice telling yourself that you are good enough. If you wait for other people telling you, you could be waiting for a long time. So tell yourself !! I AM GOOD ENOUGH !!
  • Learn to look after yourself – You can’t start believing in yourself until you still looking after yourself. If you don’t like the person who you are then it can be hard to gain confidence. So we need to find it within ourselves to start loving the person who we are.
  • Start caring less about what other people think of you – This is one thing which has really affected my confidence over the years. Start caring more about what you think of yourself instead of what everyone else thinks of you. Your own opinion of yourself matters more than everyone else’s opinions.
  • Start believing that you are as good as everyone else – when we suffer from low confidence we doubt ourselves and we see everyone else around as ‘better’ people. Get rid of that mentality and start believing that you are as good as them.
  • Create goals – start creating small goals that you can achieve. Someone people will not like setting goals but I think I think if they are goals which you can see in the future you will have more willpower to achieve them.

Why confidence is important ? –

With confidence, we can perform at our best because we believe in ourselves that we can do it !!

You need to be able to let yourself be confident, because you are actually able to if you don’t let yourself be confident because of flaws you will never move forward because you are always looking back.

Also you need the help from others around you which is important which will enable you to be confident because like I’ve said before if they believe in you, you will have more confidence to believe in yourself !!

You need someone to be there to believe in you when you can’t believe in yourself.

You need someone to restore your confidence in yourself.

You need someone to help you build up the confidence you have somewhere in your body.

You might not feel confident now or never but don’t stop other people believing in you!

Picture of someone trying to believe in there self. A sign of relief

Have you struggled with your self – confidence? What do you do to improve it ?

Thank you for the support as always, If you enjoyed this post please like and comment and follow. If you would like to help me to make my website self-hosted then please use the link, it would be greatly appreciated

Until next time 😊

34 thoughts on “Tips on gaining self-Confidence

  1. This is a really lovely post, I feel more confident just reading it! I wouldn’t have thought about the affect that having goals could have on my confidence – that’s a really interesting new perspective 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s the thing people look at me and always think I’m really confident but I’m definitely not and it’s all pretend. I agree you end up fooling yourself. Thankyou so much for reading & commenting x

      Charlotte 💗


    1. Thankyou so much, I’m the same I’m good at setting goals for myself but when it comes to caring about what other people think I definitely need to work on that.
      Thankyou for reading & commenting x

      Charlotte 💗


  2. Great post 🙂 Believing in yourself is absolute key to self-confidence. Once you realise that every human has doubts and so do you, you start to care less about external validation. Looking after yourself is also very important because how can you achieve your goals if you’re not up to it, right?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s very well put, you do definitely care less about everyone else’s opinion but also I think as you get older you start to care less. 100% you’ve got to look after yourself !! Thankyou for reading & commenting x

      Charlotte 💗


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