Blogger recognition award

You are probably all going to get really fed up of seeing blog posts about awards and stuff, but I need to get them done and upload them otherwise there is no point in me getting nominated for the awards and the time the bloggers take to nominate me is worthless. So the next award I got nominated for was the blogger recognition award from the lovely @sunnylarue17, i just want to say a massive thank you for nominating me and recognising me and blog it means an awful lot. I hadn’t ever heard of the blogger recognition award until @sunnylarue17 had nominated me, it’s an award which lets bloggers show recognition to other bloggers for the amazing work they are doing.

What are the rules of this award ?

⁃ write a blog post to show the award.

⁃ Acknowledge the blogger who has nominated you.

⁃ Give a brief story to why you started your blog.

⁃ Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.

⁃ Nominate 11 others bloggers who deserve the award.

Why I started my blog ?

Some of you might already know why I started my blog if you have been here since I started in February so sorry if it bores you hearing it again but it’s what of the post so please stay with me. I started my blog because I was passionate about mental health and being able to make a difference to someone’s life in a way of helping them through the struggles they were going through. But also it was a way for me to be able to interact with people who were suffering with their mental health like I was because I didn’t really have anywhere I could just be me and twitter and blog seemed to be my place. Plus. I just enjoyed writing and I’d be in my perfect element blogging. I was an 18 year old girl who had suffered with eating disorders and mostly anxiety and there wasn’t a huge amount of people who knew about it, when I started researching more about the mental health community I realised how more other people were like me and I could actually talk to people about what I was going through without getting judged.

Two pieces of advice i would give to new bloggers –

1. The first piece of advice I would give to knew bloggers would be, don’t start blogging because you think it’s an easy way to learn money because it definitely isn’t. One of the things I see people writing on there blogs is earning money, you know what you can’t earn money straight away nothing is that easy. You have to blog because you have a passion for it and you enjoy writing otherwise you will not get the audience. I have been blogging for 5months and I haven’t earned any money through blogging, but that doesn’t bother me because I know I’m helping people instead and doing something I enjoy.

2. The second piece of advice I would give to new bloggers is, don’t come into blogging thinking you will grow an audience straight away and get a decent following, because it isn’t that easy. You have to grow an audience over a period of time and interact with them so they get to learn more about you. Blogging isn’t all about your followers/audience you are doing it because you enjoy it and that’s the thing you need to keep at the back of your mind all of the time because if you forget that you will loose the motivation to do the one thing that you wanted to do. So keep going, it will take time but you will get there !!

My nominations –


I’m sorry if anyone has already been nominated, these are the people who I feel should get recognition for the work they do 😊

I hope you all enjoyed reading more about why I started blogging and what my advice would be new bloggers I’m not an expert I’m still learning but I can help others learn while I’m learning because that’s how we all improve in life.

Thank you for the support as always, If you enjoyed this post please like and comment and follow. If you would like to help me to make my website self-hosted then please use the link, it would be greatly appreciated

Until next time 😊

27 thoughts on “Blogger recognition award

  1. I love the advice – especially that it takes time to grow your audience! I saw on Twitter this week someone complaining about struggling to get views when they had been blogging for…a week.

    I think that there are so many Pins on Pinterest and blogs out there that make it sound like blogging is something that it’s really easy to create an income stream from, when in reality it isn’t.

    Congratulations on the award ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you so much for nominating me Charlotte!! I totally agree with two pieces of advice and I also found that blogging allowed me to find a sense of community. Congratulations on your nomination!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Laura'sLife 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴

    Thanks for sharing. I always enjoy reading these posts as it’s a good way to find out more about someone. I actually have one outstanding which I’ll hopefully get round to publishing soon x

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: BLOGGER RECOGNITION AWARD – another bipolar blogger

  5. Pingback: July Round-Up – UndercoverSuperhero

  6. Pingback: July review – TimeToTalk

  7. Pingback: The Blogger Recognition Award #3 & #4 – UndercoverSuperhero

  8. Pingback: July Round-Up – UndercoverSuperhero

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