Guest post – influence of periods on our mental health

Today I’m uploading my first ever guest post from the lovely @homeofundersta1 I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did.

Influence of periods on our mental health

I can say for certain that my monthly cycle has a huge influence on my mental health. This might not be true for every woman and most will experience it differently, but I can describe how it is for me and what happens when I head down the road of hormones again.

I observe the most significant impact on my mental health on the days before my period starts. I would assume that many women experience a similar phenomenon, as it actually has a name: premenstrual syndrome. The name is not really flattering, because it sounds like we have some kind of illness even though we are just experiencing natural biological processes. PMS is related to the hormone cycle and brings suddenly occurring mood swings, most of which tend to be negative.

I often experience feelings and symptoms that when described can sound quite similar to depression, which might be rather rare, since I don’t know anyone personally, for whom it has been this extreme. For me on those bad days it can often happen that I cry and have mental breakdowns. I will feel empty and worthless afterwards, making myself feel even worse by thinking I have no reason to make such a fuss, because I am fine after all and that there are people out there who have real problems. Apart from extremely negative thought spirals and no motivation or energy to get out of bed, it also becomes hard to do even easy tasks, such as showering.

On the other hand, I sometimes experience overly positive mood swings. Even though these almost never occur, it can happen that I am nearly bursting of happiness over a very small thing. I tend to be very jumpy then and some might even say it can be a little annoying. Sometimes it also happens that I change between these two extremes within a very short time span. However, all of these extreme mood swings usually disappear or get better as soon as my period starts.

Apart from these experiences, I also usually have a smaller downturn 2 weeks into my cycle. It is not as severe and rather produces anger instead of sadness, but it is also not pleasant and can lead to a higher amount of fights. I realise that I am just less patient to put up with other people’s shit during that time and I don’t want to say β€œyes” to everything. That can cause serious disagreements and tension in relationships with other people, who are used to you just agreeing to everything or letting things slide. Depending on how serious those fights are, the result of them usually leads to a further decrease of my mental health.

However, during the two weeks leading up to this smaller dip, I am usually energetic and very productive and motivated. It is during that time that I write most of my blog posts and start new projects. I am in a positive, but balanced mood that is not so over-the-top as the one mentioned before.

Summing up, yes, my menstrual cycle has a rather big influence on my mental health, and I have to admit that hormones often have a lot of power. However, that does not mean that every time I get angry or upset is related to my cycle. Something I am really sensitive to is people saying: β€œAre you on your period again?” (most of these people are men) just because a woman stands up for herself. I mean, she might be, but that does not matter, because maybe what you just said was plain offensive. I am not saying that you should ignore outbreaks that seem irrational and not say anything, but just think about what you said first and if there is nothing wrong with that, don’t discredit the person in this disrespectful way, but ask what the matter is. I should not turn this into a discussion, so I will leave it at this now, but there are a lot more topics attached to periods and the female cycle that are all worth discussing.

Also, for everyone, who would like to read more on hormones and their influence on our mood, here is a really helpful article:

I want to say a massive thankyou to @homeofundersta for guest posting on my blog and sharing her story with her periods affecting her mental health but also just for putting her self out there because it definitely isn’t easy. Check out her twitter and blog and give her a follow 😊

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Twitter –

Thank you for the support as always, If you enjoyed this post please like and comment and follow. If you would like to help me to make my website self-hosted then please use the link, it would be greatly appreciated

Until next time 😊

21 thoughts on “Guest post – influence of periods on our mental health

  1. Very interesting as I experience the same too. A week before my period is due, I become really emotional and angry. A few days after my period has started i am quite positive. Periods affecting our mental health is definitely a thought-provoking topic!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Elizabeth Holly

    This is great information! I wish I would have known this prior to my hysterectomy but I definitely recall how my periods affected my mental health. This will come in handy for my daughter tho so thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. My period often affects my mental health, as well. It can be especially awful if it happens on top of an especially bad episode of depression. A day or two before my period I feel very out of control of my emotions. I hate that feeling and I don’t want to negatively impact others, so I generally try to avoid people on those days.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. justthegameoflife

    I experience this too. But mine is more the week before and the week of my period. I think the week of my period is more me being uncomfortable and not wanting to do anything so in turn I get angry or sad. But it does suck that basically 2-3 weeks out of the month we dony know how we will be affected just by the hormones of our period.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I definitely find that my periods impact my mental health. I’m in so much pain with my period, not only that but I’m bloated and retain water which increases my weight and triggers the anorexia. I just hate mine so much but I know not having it isn’t a good sign either.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Holy crap I thought I was the only one who had that dip around ovulation! Actually it’s plausible that’s what’s going on with me right now because I’m due to “ovulate” (pill so I don’t, but I still have hormonal fluctuations) tomorrow. I just haven’t had this severe a depressive episode with it for a very long time.

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  7. Pingback: August round up review – TimeToTalk

  8. tinkablee

    I always find it fascinating the way periods affect us all differently, depending on who you are, what your diets are and Lifestyle. For some it’s really not at all a big deal but for others likes me it can really hit Hard. It affects us both mentally and physically!
    Such an interesting post!

    Liked by 1 person

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